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Monday, March 03, 2014


Hi Everyone

Feeling great today, I've lost another pound and am now starting to feel like my body is looking a little better. Im still at the herbalife and I'm now totally used to the routine of it, always have a shake for brecky and most days for lunch but occasionally on my day off i might have some crumpets or some hot cross buns with butter (like today).  I'm really enjoying it and really don't find the shakes a problem at all, and it definitely seems to be working.

I am exercising whenever i can, I'm still doing the speed walking with Nicki when i can but this isn't always possible due to my work commitments etc, so i have been walking on my own at the weekend and on my day off. I've found a nice walk that takes about 40 minutes, walking at quite a pace but its must be good for my arse muscles as they ache.

I really want to look good all summer this year but especially on the beach in the Caribbean which is now only 12 weeks away. I've been atrocious the last two or three years and am embarrassed of myself so will stick to this for a good few months and then try not to put the weight on again, i really don't want to weigh 10 stone, I like being under nine.

I've been catching up on Martys (thats my Husband) accounts today and doing the filing etc, I've got into a nice routine sitting on the computer on a monday and getting everything done so i don't really have to think about it for the rest of the week. its so easy to be lazy all the time.

gotta go and play with dogs for a bit so chat later


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